In Pursuit of Veracity within Magic
Something is elusive, enigmatic.
This something ‘is’ magic, of course. In the sense that an idea may mingle with other ideas in the mingling-idea-world.
Of course this Idea may exist as its own thing, in its own terms, isolated or alone and unexposed from other ideas.
From a diffuse and swath of potential emerges the Idea. Shall it discuss the potential? Perhaps.
The potential is a vast array of bubbling and frothing divine things that are coming into being, perhaps one at a time, perhaps after a varying degree of uncertainty. Some ideas may be thought to have emerged from them countless aeons ago. Some are hurtling through the aether, through the interdependence and interrelating with other myriadly unique ideas to produce a snap, a moment where the manifest has awareness pointed to it, for whatever reason.
The idea, the manifest, the formation of these thoughts from ideas, from that burbling potential, all of these are yours to explore. All of these are yours to define.
I read a paper once that said that definition is simply that which is brought to view, either in the mind’s eye or the physical eyes of the individual. It is ‘defined’ and brought to a sharp crispness in view, in physical reality.
Imagine, if you will, a vast a cavernous space, with clouds, and some source of illumination that you can see varying details about the surrounding area.
Now colors. The dreamlike colors. Pastels. Contrast. Slow movements.
Unda. Wave.
Unda. Wave.
Unda. Wave.